Soulful Sounds Vibrational Sound Therapy

Soulful Sounds Vibrational Sound Therapy

Private and Group Sound Healing Sessions

Sound, Silence & Soul Full Day Sound Meditation Workshop

Soulful Sounds Vibrational Sound Therapy

Sound, Silence & Soul Full Day Sound Meditation Workshop

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Are you ready for a Sound, Silence & Soul Full Day Sound Meditation Workshop? In this workshop, we will use sound meditation to deepen your spiritual practice and strengthen your ability to connect to the wisdom of your soul. Sound Therapy is a tool used to help you connect or strengthen your connection to that small, still voice inside. During this full-day workshop, we will explore the science and benefits of mediation and how sound enhances this practice.

We will speak on frequencies with healing effects and how you can access these frequencies to gain inspiration, healing, connection, and a deeper and fuller night’s rest. I will share breakthroughs in the benefits of meditation (Non-sleep deep rest) and why these practices are so valuable to our health, relationships, and spiritual well-being. 

Because most illness stems from stress, and stress is created inside the body, so then is the cure found inside of us. Sound Meditation is a simple tool you can use daily to unlock this ability to heal what ails you. 
We invite you into this full-day immersive, meditative experience where you will explore how spirit speaks to your heart and how the subconscious speaks to your conscious mind.
This workshop will create space for you to:
• Connect, Listen, and act on your soul’s guidance 
• Connect to and learn the language of the body 
• Develop or deepen your meditation practice to help you develop and strengthen your receiving muscles 

What to Expect:
There will be extended periods of lying down in a comfortable position on a cushion or yoga mat. During these times, Nicole will bring soothing harmonic sounds and gentle vibrations to encourage your mind and body to release thoughts and worries and meditate. While in this relaxed and aware state, the harmonic tones and vibrations will cleanse, recharge, and balance the mind, body, and spirit.
Space will be provided for journaling, nourishment, meditative movement, and a safe space to share your heart and experiences. 

Benefits of Sound Meditation:
• Emotional Balance
• A Clear Mind with Increased Focus
• Feel Lighter in Your Body
• Deeper and Restful Sleep
• Reduce anxiety, anger, confusion, depression, and fatigue 
• Harmony and Flow
• Deep Relaxation when other Meditation Techniques Fail
• Relieve body tension and physical pain 
• Increase energy and vigor
• Strengthen our faith and spirituality 

What you need to bring for the Sound Meditation Workshop:
• A full water bottle
• A journal 
• Bring your own “Nest” — Yoga mats, bolsters, pillows, cushions, eye coverings, blankets, or anything you need to be comfortable on the floor. 
• A willingness to share from your heart A desire to dive deep into yourself
• Dress in layers and bring socks to adjust your body temperature.
• Eat a full meal 2 hours before or a light snack if closer to the workshop start time.
• Many like to bring crystals and a bottle of drinking water to be cleared and amplified by the powerful tones produced by the gongs and bowls.

Workshop Itinerary 
10:00 – 10:30 Welcoming and Introduction to Sound Healing
10:30 – 11:30 Guided Sound Meditation
11:30 – 11:15 Silence and Journaling
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch
1:00   –  2:30 Sound Meditation
2:30   –  2:45 Silence and Reflective Journaling 
2:45   – 3:00 Break
3:00   – 3:15 Open Share
3:15    -3:45 Q&A and Personal Practices
3:45   – 4:00  Workshop closing

Nicole Schoeppner, VSTP is a certified vibrational sound practitioner, neurolinguistics program (NLP) practitioner, and lifetime student of multi-culture philosophy. Through mystery schools and immersive and intensive workshops, she has studied with many industry leaders in sound, ancient philosophy, metaphysical, and spiritual practices. Though her early study was self-motivated to find meaning in her own trauma and loss, she now shares methods and teachings she has learned about self-discovery, inner exploration, pathways to unlocking your inner wisdom, intuition, and learning to trust your own inner whisper, which is always present to guide you on your path to freedom, adventure, and exploration.

What Others have said about Nicole 
“I felt a sense of peace, awe, and personal intimacy within myself I’ve never felt before. I suffered a 3rd-grade ankle sprain on my right ankle and had weeks of physical therapy on it. Immediately after the session, I noticed a tingly sensation in my right leg and ankle. A few hours later, when I was doing chores around my home, I noticed for the first time in months that my right ankle didn’t ache whenever I walked up the stairs. Even after the session ended,

Nicole was gentle, compassionate, and informative with my questions. If you are on the fence about doing this, I kindly implore you to try. Nicole will thoroughly explain everything, answer your questions, and never make you feel silly for questioning, “And this works?” If you have questions on your heart, a busy mind, a tense body from holding stress, or are simply curious how sound can heal you–you have come to the right place, and I cannot think of anyone better equipped than Nicole to help you.” ~Abby A

“The experience completely blew me away. It is hard to put into words how powerful these sessions are. I am very grateful to know you, Nicole!”~Kelly B

“When I left, I felt more in tune with myself and the world around me, and I was free of my aching back. I will definitely be back” ~Kimberly P

Registration:If you would like to register for this or any of our programs, there are several easy ways. 
You may:
• Click the “Register” link located at the top right and be redirected to the Villa Maria Website
• Call 724-964-8886 to speak with the friendly staff at the Villa Maria
• Complete and mail a printable registration form along with your payment to:    
 Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center
     2067 Evergreen Road
     P.O. Box 424
     Villa Maria, PA 16155 Refund Policy 

Cost includes: Program, lunch, and refreshments

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


Date And Time

2024-09-14 @ 10:00 AM to
2024-10-14 @ 04:00 PM

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